The BC NDP has nominated a Williams Lake city councillor to run as the Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate in the fall 2024 provincial election.
Michael Moses is currently in his first term on city council and has positioned himself as an outspoken advocate for reconciliation, housing and healthcare.
“I really just want to see changes in our communities that will help people have the opportunity to thrive,” he said, noting he has been considering seeking the nomination for some time.
His nomination came without anyone else seeking the spot to run against current MLA Lorne Doerkson of the BC United.
Moses is a member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band and a graduate of Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business in digital innovation and leadership.
He has been on the city council for just under half a term, but Moses said he feels ready to take the step to provincial politics in part thanks to mentorship by some past NDP MLAs from the Cariboo-Chilcotin.
Moses said both David Zirnhelt and Charlie Wyse have helped give him insight into the provincial role.
“They’ve been great mentors and resources,” he said. “Their guidance has really provided me with what I believe is a really good skill set and knowledge to be able to make this jump at this time rather than further into the future.”
Moses said he will make a request to council for a leave from when the writ drops until the election is completed, in order to run for the seat in the BC Legislature. The election is set to take place on or before October 19, 2024. New electoral boundaries include Savona, Tobiano and Ashcroft in the Cariboo-Chilcotin riding.
“Michael Moses has deep roots in Cariboo-Chilcotin and understands what will make life better for people who live in this community,” said Premier David Eby in a press release. “People here deserve a champion like Michael who is on their side — building housing, improving healthcare and lowering costs. Michael will defend people against the reckless cuts to hospitals and schools that we’ve seen before and John Rustad and his Conservative Party are planning again.”
READ MORE: Williams Lake councillor celebrates Earth Day plus birthday
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