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B.C. daughter rides to keep mom's legacy, spirit alive

B.C. daughter rides to keep mom's legacy, spirit alive

Cycling to support pancreatic cancer research, Hayley McGowan says she feels her mom 'is here fighting with me'
10,000km bike ride for Parkinson's programs starts in Victoria, touches 3 coasts

10,000km bike ride for Parkinson's programs starts in Victoria, touches 3 coasts

Teams include at least one cyclist living with Parkinson’s in gruelling 10,000-kilometre journey across Canada
Greater Victoria couple riding in Tour De Cure to honour their moms

Greater Victoria couple riding in Tour De Cure to honour their moms

The Tour de Jour attracts thousands of riders who must raise a minimum of $2,500 to participate
First Day of Billy Barker Days a smash-up hit

First Day of Billy Barker Days a smash-up hit

The kick off to the festival included seniors' day, teen time and crash to pass racing
QUIZ: How much do you really know about dogs?

QUIZ: How much do you really know about dogs?

The dog days of summer are here, which means it’s time to celebrate dogs
Williams Lake, 100 Mile House join forces to celebrate Pride

Williams Lake, 100 Mile House join forces to celebrate Pride

Williams Lake Pride Society will be leading events August 18-24 during Pride Week in the city
Bella Coola exhibit resonates artist's search for beauty

Bella Coola exhibit resonates artist's search for beauty

A new exhibit at the Art House in the Bella Coola Valley features works by Holly Willgress
1974 Williams Lake grads hosting class reunion in August

1974 Williams Lake grads hosting class reunion in August

The last time the Columneetza 1974 grads had a reunion was in 1994
Vancouver Canucks surprise Kelowna woman on 105 birthday

Vancouver Canucks surprise Kelowna woman on 105 birthday

Dorothy Palmer has been a lifelong fan of the Vancouver Canucks
OUR HOMETOWN: Cancer survivor gives back

OUR HOMETOWN: Cancer survivor gives back

It's good to talk with people who have similarities, said Harriet Hird