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FRENCH CONNECTION: Sad news of Horgan's passing

FRENCH CONNECTION: Sad news of Horgan's passing

John was one of B.C.’s —and Canada’s — most popular premiers
DOWN TO EARTH: Carbon sinks

DOWN TO EARTH: Carbon sinks

Scientists have always known that climate change would have feedback loops on the carbon sinks
FRENCH CONNECTION: U.S. Election results

FRENCH CONNECTION: U.S. Election results

The U.S. is our biggest trading partner
FOREST INK: Ongoing challenge of finding forestry information

FOREST INK: Ongoing challenge of finding forestry information

One positive is that stumpage rates are much lower than a year ago
HAPHAZARD HISTORY: Lord Martin Cecil of 100 Mile House

HAPHAZARD HISTORY: Lord Martin Cecil of 100 Mile House

Martin Cecil just completed a career in the Royal Navy when he arrived in 100 Mile House
FRENCH CONNECTION: 2 important annual general meetings coming up

FRENCH CONNECTION: 2 important annual general meetings coming up

Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society and Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin both have AGMs in November
FOREST INK: Quotas may be best way to settle the soft wood lumber exports to U.S.

FOREST INK: Quotas may be best way to settle the soft wood lumber exports to U.S.

For the Canadian companies it would mean more profits for a lesser amount of lumber sold
TRAILBLAZER CHRONICLES: How trails shape where we live

TRAILBLAZER CHRONICLES: How trails shape where we live

From ancient footpaths used by Indigenous peoples to the modern recreational trails we enjoy today
RANCH MUSINGS: A call for a 'civil' society

RANCH MUSINGS: A call for a 'civil' society

Lateral kindness is an approach to addressing lateral violence
FOREST INK: New forestry model needed for northern B.C. communities

FOREST INK: New forestry model needed for northern B.C. communities

Closed mills in northern B.C. may yet have hope for reopening, but is the supply there?