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Bikers still pedalling in Novebember

Bikers still pedalling in Novebember

Unseasonably warm weather led to a longer than usual mountain biking season.
Potters guild hosts annual sale

Potters guild hosts annual sale

The Cariboo Potters Guild annual sale held last weekend was busy.
Time change can wreak havoc on drivers

Time change can wreak havoc on drivers

And that isn't the only reason accidents on B.C. roads spike right after the clocks fall back.
Public asked to help name rescued otters

Public asked to help name rescued otters

The Vancouver Aquarium has taken charge of two rescued otter pups, who are enjoying their new home but need names.
Cleaning up the town with dedication

Cleaning up the town with dedication

It's not uncommon to see Wilbur Saunders out cleaning up the roadside on any given day in Williams Lake.
HAPHAZARD HISTORY: Louis Crosina and the 153 Mile House Store

HAPHAZARD HISTORY: Louis Crosina and the 153 Mile House Store

Recently, the 153 Mile Store was in the news. I have been in that store on several occasions.
Craft sale at Elks Hall

Craft sale at Elks Hall

Craft sale season is beginning with one at the Elks Hall Saturday, Oct. 29, at the Elks Hall.
Witticism free for the taking

Witticism free for the taking

A sign at a local high school in Williams Lake is good for its truth and its witticism.
Camp cook making kids happy

Camp cook making kids happy

Camp cook Carol Tillotson has been making many children happy with her delicious home-cooked meals.
Raid on call centre in India puts brakes on CRA tax scam

Raid on call centre in India puts brakes on CRA tax scam

Experts are wondering if the scheme is permanently stopped, or if it will resume again when the heat dies down.