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Elderly raccoon remedied and released from B.C. rehab centre

Elderly raccoon remedied and released from B.C. rehab centre

You can buy dinner for a hungry patient at Wild ARC
Oak Bay student among those high on aviation possibilities

Oak Bay student among those high on aviation possibilities

Greater Victoria School District helps kids fly with aviation and design program
B.C. mom’s act of kindness saves stranger’s family vacation after online plea

B.C. mom’s act of kindness saves stranger’s family vacation after online plea

Greater Victoria woman arranges for forgotten medication to waiting in Mexico when family arrived
B.C. woman finds healing even as graves found in schoolyard where she played

B.C. woman finds healing even as graves found in schoolyard where she played

Indigenous woman Tina Savea gives voice to her late father, sharing childhood abuses he faced
Embedded chip reunites B.C. cat with Ontario owner 5 years after move

Embedded chip reunites B.C. cat with Ontario owner 5 years after move

Fluffy feline headed back to original owner and a new home in Ontario
B.C. couple calls in a dog to help track their beloved missing cat

B.C. couple calls in a dog to help track their beloved missing cat

Orion the tabby has a medical condition and needs daily medication
Extreme weather could help invasive green crab crawl along B.C. coast

Extreme weather could help invasive green crab crawl along B.C. coast

European green crab is identifiable by five spines on the side of each eye
Women depart Victoria for nationwide walk to honour missing, murdered Indigenous women

Women depart Victoria for nationwide walk to honour missing, murdered Indigenous women

Saskatchewan women come west to start initiative at Mile Zero
UPDATE: All B.C. Tsunami advisories cleared

UPDATE: All B.C. Tsunami advisories cleared

No need for action, local fire and rescue departments say
Gift cards rule retail as B.C.’s mall shops work around supply chain issues

Gift cards rule retail as B.C.’s mall shops work around supply chain issues

Shopping anywhere is a boutique experience right now, says Victoria mall general manager