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World leaders running show

Regular contributing letter to the editor composer Herb Nakada tackles economic crashes and other issues.


In this 21st century megalomainics “rule.” Well above...beyond vital levels of intelligent-social-rational-moral-competance, they are “certain” to produce global/economic/crashes, inescapable/poverty, horrific wars,“inescapable climate-change disasters  detrimental for all.

Racing-for-the-top, cultures of corruption, destabilization, energizes local-economy/province/nation to mutual annihilation.

De-regulated banks led directly to economic/crashes in 2008.  Glass-Steagall’s 1933 act regulating banks followed the 1929 depression.  Repealed in 1999. 2008 global recession brought a “compromised” Dodd-Frank 2010 Act. Dodd-Frank will not prevent future global catastrophes.  “Fraud” precipitated global recession.   Bonused/promoted/rewarded...too “big” to fail … public/bail… too “big” to jail … still “rule.”

$350 trillion Libor (London Inter-Bank Offered Rate) world’s bank’s fraud (2007-2011), “rigging” interest rates made banking vastly powerful.

Money “secures” Earth’s resources for exploitation.

Five-hundred years of raiding, destroying, genocide (cultural-physical) … endless inglorious/horrific hostilies … struggle-to-war.

Fraudulent wars, horrified combatants...non-combatants.

Twentieth century wars —  ninety per cent deaths–non-combatants–half were children — majority were women and children.

Sixty-five to 75 million human beings were killed ... slaughtered for Second World War in  nine years (grossly/inadequate account of 100 years of inhumane/savage/despicable/socially-maladjusted/misery).

Twentieth century chemical-biological-nuclear research produced “mega-lethal” weapons (weapons of mass destruction) ... existing war potentials.

Nuclear biocidal “arsenals” remain on “15 minute alert” (mutually/assured/destruction 10 times over — “Essence of Security” US National Policy/Robert McNamara, 21st century began unchanged).

Vainglorious exponential-growth threatens.

Local/provincial/national/global/economies “develop” environmental/social-destruction, military/industrial/complexes, “defense” budgets (large enough to finance Paradise on Earth for every human being on the planet), wars, life/species-extinction-events/climate-change.

350 ppm/CO2 was important  for humanity. Megalomaniacs  unchallenged, make human solutions impossible.

The fossil-fuel industry is profoundly out of step...against effective climate action, against the stream of human history (500,000 years) and against life’s recovery since the last mass life extinction event 65 million years ago.

Global fossil-fuel market is the source of the looming mass life extinction event.

Megalomaniacs maintain all this is “privately” useful, what really matters in life ... that all life is meaningless otherwise … your life … my life … all life.

Social inequality ... extreme/unequal/distribution of local/global/income/profit/wealth for  money/powered/aristocratic/elite is vastly “unnatural ... unnaturally rigged against the public good.

Thirty-five persons (UN Human Development Report 2014) own more global wealth/income, than 3.5 billion people “living (pay-to-play) on less than $2 per day (10 per cent of global population “privately” own 87 per cent of global wealth [Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 10/14/2014]. The ultimate shell game.

Daily, 4,000 children starve to death (1.5 million yearly.)

A billion hungry people without access to potable water — 2.5 billion without sanitation.

Eighty-five per cent of world’s health problems: water-borne diseases (present every-man-for-himself anarchic/capitalist/totalitarianism is archaic “kill or be killed” … “grow or die” fundamental/cut-throat/jungle/mentality/deficient/failing/social-pathology....locked in...with unmet human social needs.

The end-in-sight is 4C to 6C all within this 100 years.

Herb Nakada

Williams Lake