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The federal election is too important

Editor: The all-candidates forum sponsored by the Williams Lake Council of Canadians last month was a lively meeting which, counter to public perception, proved that the young are indeed engaged and know the issues.


The all-candidates forum sponsored by the Williams Lake Council of Canadians last month was a lively meeting which, counter to public perception, proved that the young are indeed engaged and know the issues.

Mr. Harris seemed to think that just because he has been in office for 18 years and his office has helped those who are in need of a helping hand and because the area has gotten funding for projects it is enough to warrant another ticket to Ottawa.

But Dick and his team have done nothing more than any other member of parliament would and will do. …

It is the job and it is their duty to do it.

This election is too important to not only each and every one of us but for how Canada goes forward in the future.

Do we continue down the Conservative path, which is governed out of fear, contempt and ignorance or do we go forward leaders in human rights, the environment, universal healthcare, inclusion of newcommers no matter what their ethnicity or religion to be treated as Canadians, not possible terrorists or cash cows?

In order to ensure that the “Harper Government” can do no further damage to our Canadian values, the environment and our reputation on the world stage we must not split the vote.

Kim Herdman

Williams Lake