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State of facilities suitable

We want to provide the public with information about the state of the facility that exists at WLSS.


Now that the high school reconfiguration decision has been made, we want to provide the public with information about the state of the facility that exists for both academic and applied skills areas at Williams Lake Secondary School.

1.  Columneetza reportedly has six dual-purpose science rooms that are used as both classrooms and labs.

Meanwhile, WLSS has a dedicated lab that at maximum capacity holds four classes at a time.

At WL, science teachers teach in their classrooms and move to the lab to do labs.

If science classes each use one fourth of the lab space over 20 per cent of one course (20 classes), this allows for 1,600 science labs per semester (100 days); or in other words, 20 science teachers could each use the lab 20 times per semester for each of their four courses.

WLSS’s modern collaborative lab facility has more than enough lab space for all science courses offered at a senior high.

In addition, WLSS also has one other lab/classroom space which can be split into two spaces by a retractable wall.

Lab space at WLSS is not and has never been an issue.

2.  Concern has been expressed that the lunch program will cease to exist now that WLSS is the senior campus.

The hot lunch program for students and adjacent elementary schools can successfully run wherever an “adequate” cooking facility exists.

WLSS, in partnership with TRU chef training, houses a commercial grade teaching kitchen, which has in the past functioned as a food venue for WL students.

WLSS also has two modern, well appointed home economics labs that are conveniently located next to the teaching kitchen.

In this regard, senior students would not only have the opportunity to take food related courses, but would also have the chance to benefit from a “hot lunch program.”

Marie Sharpe is located a short distance from WL, and could also benefit from the “hot lunch” program that Nesika has previously experienced.

As a result of WL’s commercial kitchen and the close proximity to Marie Sharpe, the lunch program could continue to flourish.

Barb Blewett and Melinda MacKinnon

Teachers, WLSS