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Pipeline to Bella Coola not a good idea

There may be worse ideas than Reg Norberg’s suggestion for a pipeline through Tweedsmuir Park to Bella Coola, but nothing comes to mind.


There may be worse ideas than Reg Norberg’s suggestion for a pipeline through Tweedsmuir Park to Bella Coola (Tribune Viewpoints July 23), but nothing comes to mind.

The disruption in one of B.C.’s jewel parks, the devastation of the Atnarko watershed and critical spawning  area for Chinook, Pinks, and Coho; and the negative upheaval of the Bella Coola community are only a few of the aspects of this idea that are bad.

Add to that the vision of tanker traffic through 100 kilometres of channels from Bella Coola to reach the open ocean and it becomes surreal that anyone would seriously give this a second thought.

However, the reclassification of some parks (including South Tweedsmuir) to allow some types of industrial development is alarming and should put us all on alert.

The concept of a pipeline through the Bella Coola Valley is a nightmare that should never become reality.

John Morton

Bella Coola