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Not everyone can walk around town

Editor: Regarding the patio comments by some of your readers suggesting the barber shop in question is having a slowdown due to the economy simply shows these people are very poorly informed.


Regarding the patio comments by some of your readers suggesting the barber shop in question is having a slowdown due to the economy simply shows these people are very poorly informed.

I have their permission to pass that along.

And the comments about walking a couple of blocks — well, they are obviously in their younger years, forgetting to think of parents with small children and the older grandparents who built this town, as well as those in wheelchairs or on crutches. Come on, you fine people. Show a little consideration for others. And to do with exercise — most of the working guys I know get all they need on the job. As for an accident at that location, it is not if but when!

Clarence Moore

Williams Lake