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MEET THE CANDIDATE: City council candidate Joan Flaspohler

Joan Flaspohler answers questions posed by the Williams Lake Tribune
Joan Flaspohler is running for Williams Lake city council. (Photo submitted)

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

2. What is the part of the Williams Lake’s Official Community Plan that you care about most, and want to see action on?

3. What solutions or ways forward do you see to address concerns around crime and homelessness in our community?

4 What do you think needs to be done to attract and retain professionals such as health care providers in our community?

5. Can you name a few fun facts people might not know about you?

I am fully invested in Williams Lake. Born, educated, and employed here. I have worked with the municipality for 27 years, first as a horticulturist and volunteer for the fire department, then to the deputy chief position. I clearly understand local government.

I truly believe the Officially Community Plan, has been neglected, and every aspect needs action! It was created by reaching out to you. We were ahead of our time in creating this document, utilizing the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, (won a Federal award).

All 10 aspects of the plan are equally important.

Social well-being, Lively Downtown, Active and Convenient Transportation, Affordable Housing and Liveable Neighbourhoods, World Class Recreation, Cherished Local Ecosystems, Distinctive Arts, Culture and Heritage, Partnering with First Nations, Resilient Economy, and Local Food and Agriculture. A council focused on this document, as they are required to, would create a city that could be a leader of municipalities.

To resolve the situation of homelessness and crime, we need to provide proactiveness, partnerships, research and ambition to assist our community in becoming healthy.

A perspective that Williams Lake is not going to experience this issue is uneducated.

We are not alone. Helping individuals unfortunately existing in this world, and learning how we can support the organizations helping them, plus source the funding available to move forward, is key.

Fostering our city! We need to showcase we invest into the incredible assets we have, so we are showing these individuals when they come, that this is a town they want to stay in and not transition through. We have to be a city showcasing a plan, a positive future, and an enjoyable atmosphere to create pride! Professionals will then stay.

I have an BMW Dakar, eleven hours flying, love backpacking, and have travelled to multiple worldly destinations.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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