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Letters about man-made climate change fuelling ignorance

I am writing in response to a letter, Global warming nothing but environmental hysteria.


I am writing in response to a letter,  Global warming nothing but Environmental Hysteria, not as a critique of its contents but as a critique of the Tribune/Advisor’s decision to publish this letter.

Climate change being caused by humans is no longer a debate.

This has been proven by sound peer reviewed science.

The publishing of information that states otherwise is extremely misleading to the public, sowing doubt among society and delaying government action.

Comparatively, the scientific discussion of climate change is very similar to that of the dangers of cigarette smoking.

Lest we forget the presence of oppositional science to the negative health effects of smoking.

Scientific studies with such quotes as “tobacco does not invariably lead to progressive physical dependence” and that “tobacco has not been proven to be injurious to health” were present.

The latter of which was stated by “scientist” until 1999.

Nonetheless, finding a letter to the editor spouting this science in 1999 would be hard to come by.

We knew better by this time.

Reading letters to the editor concerning climate change not being caused by humans is analogous to having a pregnant friend smoke while stating that they are “trying to keep their baby weight down” or the Sears catalogue selling heroin syringes for IV drug users.

It just doesn’t happen anymore because sound peer-reviewed science has demonstrated the detriments of doing so and government action has followed.

I believe in freedom of speech but I believe more strongly in the exercise of sound judgment for the betterment of society.

Please stop fuelling the flames of ignorance and use the inherent power of the press for the betterment of society.

Myanna Schmid

Alexis Creek