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Letter: Value in hydrogen becoming increasingly important

Part of the problem with climate change leading to global warming, and vice versa, is waiting for someone else to do something different.


Part of the problem with climate change leading to global warming, and vice versa, is waiting for someone else to do something different.

To change, not only the way they choose to live, do business, invest and purchase but to make the changes that allow us all to do so.

Scientists who do work observing climate change and global warming appear to be seeing a significant change in the numbers representing the facts and data that they analyze.

It shows that pollution is changing the environment and the temperature of our waters and atmosphere is increasing.

What will it take for society to change the minds of the metaphorical one per cent to offer hydrogen as a fuel source in replace of fossil fuels.

I use the phrase metaphorical one per cent since it only refers to the human population and also doesn’t consider the planet’s climate.

Will it take a signed petition from nearly seven billion people to make the people with the money and resources for change, to make hydrogen from water  instead of gas, diesel, oil and coal.

Putting a price on carbon for big business does absolutely nothing good for the environment.

It only contributes further to problems created from burning fossil fuels.

The only change accomplished by selling and buying credits for pollution is that people who own big business have different numbers to think about.

They continue to profit at the expense of climate change and global warming.

Promoting the marketing and future sales of these outdated energy sources does nothing to make the changes needed to help preserve the only planet we inhabit.

The environment within the earth’s atmosphere has a remarkable ability to recover from the damage humans create.

Even though value is not derived from what one person creates, it is created from what we accept as valuable.

There is no value in this letter.

However, there is value in hydrogen from rising sea to shining sea levels.

Garth Verhaeghe

Williams Lake