Dear Editor,
We live in a community.
Consider, if you will, the public input for amendments to our Official City Plan for our sustainability, bylaw 2140. Our 10 goals (for this plan) need to be inclusive of the 17 UN Sustainable Developments Goals to be achieved by 2030. These are critical now for our community good. Confidence and trust is required for government officials with this city’s Official Community Plan to secure the future for all its citizens.
If one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers. Local Government leaders have a responsibility to protect everything we love and where we want to go.
The notice said the last day for public input is June 2, 2023. Everyone should consider providing input for this city where you live.
Thank you note for Mayor Rathor: We live in challenging times. Thank you for bringing honour to the office of mayor of this city. We need honour in this office. You honour the people of our community.
Consider bringing more honour to the people by keeping us safe.
Not just feeling safe in our person but having beautiful safety for human beings in our environment. Williams Lake can be a city where no one feels alone in our community. Human beings are extra-ordinary in this universe and you are too for being our mayor.
“Imagine Our Future” in our challenging times, which is the title of our city’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan.
Herb Nakada
Williams Lake
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