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Job threats destructive to us all

Editor: Certain persons are selling the idea that stringent environmental protection is a barrier for private profit.


Certain persons are selling the idea that stringent environmental protection is a barrier for private profit.

They promote the idea that environmental protection kills businesses and jobs. They say these regulations harm our economy. Properly speaking, the lack of adequate environmental protection kills us.

To create “jobs” with destructive anti-social economic practices for their bottom line solely to promote private profit (3Ps) undermines our community and our global biosphere.  It destroys our chances for our future needs because “business as usual” ensures insufficiency and unsustainability in our biosphere for the human race locally and globally.  Our history has shown that.

Scientific validity ought to be clear for all those who wish to see reality. Most respected “economists,” CEOs, pundits, teachers of political economy, chambers of commerce, and community leaders make “business as usual” unclear with little forethought. They contribute to a world of inequality, injustice, tension, conflict, and instability. Clearly, competitive economic growth practices have, since the Industrial Revolution, been taking us for a ride to our common demise.  They have made man his fellow man’s worst enemy. This still is touted as the best of all possible worlds.

A blanket “this will create jobs” is often a sinister form of public manipulation, which ought to be publicly discussed with robustness because it is so destructive to our community. It is particularly cruel. We need to see that meanness for what it really is.

Herb Nakada

Williams Lake