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Heritage and culture go together

Editor: What is heritage? According to Judith Cook and Berdine Jonker of the Heritage Branch in Victoria, heritage “honours” what happened.


What is heritage? According to Judith Cook and Berdine Jonker of the Heritage Branch in Victoria, heritage “honours” what happened in the past.

Heritage and culture go together It can be community pride and identity.

It can be philosophies and environmental. They go hand in hand.

Values guide where you have come from and guide you where you are going.

What is a historic place?

It can be a structure, buildings, a landscape, and sites recognized for heritage value.

Heritage values are aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultural, social, and spiritual.

Spotted Lake near Osoyoos was sacred for all of the above values, plus for its stories.

Look up Spotted Lake on your computer. It is a beautiful place.

It is now on private land (a ranch), but the public is allowed to use (access) it. For more information, contact Cook at or 250-356-1038 or Jonker or 250-356-1044.

With respect,

Chris Hornby

Williams Lake