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Governments need to be held more accountable

These past few weeks we have been hearing and reading a lot about the First Nations “Idle No More” protests.


These past few weeks we have been hearing and reading a lot about the First Nations “Idle No More” protests.

These persons have concerns regarding living conditions, poverty, land and mineral claims, and environmental degridation of their lands.

There are others of us that are stating the First Nations have received enough tax dollars and need to be more accountable with the spending.

After reading Macleans magazine, Jan. 14, 2013 issue and the article “99 Stupid things the govt’s did with your money” I don’t feel we can criticize anyone.

Here are two examples listed in the article: Agriculture Canada gave $826,000 to Cardinal Meat Specialists to develop a sausage that doesn’t burst when cooked. CBC radio spent $56,000 to survey its own employees — 80 per cent found a positive opinion of CBC, 70 per cent said it enriched democratic life.

I feel all levels of government from federal, to municipal to tribal need to be more accountable with tax payers dollars.

At the federal and provincial levels we have elected supposedly intelligent persons to run our financial affairs.

The First Nations people are just starting to govern their own people and most likely could use some guidance and education on how to control their affairs. I really feel the “pot is calling the kettle black” in this instance.

Sylvia Hlina

Williams Lake

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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