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Environmentalist ads can cause pollution too

With what has happened in Japan, the earthquake and the tsunami, it has been making me think of how Mother Nature really is in control and some of what is happening is to correct the balance of nature with little respect for what happens to mankind.

With what has happened in Japan, the earthquake and the tsunami, it has been making me think of how Mother Nature really is in control and some of what is happening is to correct the balance of nature with little respect for what happens to mankind.

Call it Mother Nature, call it what you will, but there is someone or something else in control of our destiny.

I call it Mother Nature, so for once I am politically correct.

Then I hear the adds on the radio from certain environmentalists, who must be in need of money again, as they are spending what you gave them last time on advertising to get you to give more.

There is one ad that talks about all the pollution you will stop putting into our environment if you ride the bus. That may work in cities and larger urban areas but I think my car produces much less pollution when it takes me directly where I need to go than the diesel bus driving around with only me or whomever that one person is.

Because the bus route takes me way out of the path I need to go, and when I get to the bus stop I still have to walk three or four blocks to get to my destination. Not that walking hurts me.

Then there are the ads about the use of energy, how Canadians use far more natural resources than the entire country of Africa.

Have they not looked at the globe?

Africa is 60 or 70 per cent centred on the equator. Where is Canada? Mostly above the 49th parallel. Much of Africa is the Sahara desert and if my information is correct our temperature is much cooler here than near the equator. We probably use more energy to keep warm than Africa needs to run the entire continent.

I would have to say those environmentalists are emitting more carbon dioxide with their selling job than I produce in carbon monoxide by driving to work and not taking the bus.

Walt Cobb is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. He is a former Liberal MLA, former Williams Lake mayor, and current president of the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce.