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Dumbo elephants will continue to run the country

Editor: Governing Canada reminds me of four Dumbo elephants pulling our country’s economic load and strategy, continually trumpeting amongst themselves as to which elephant should be in charge.v


Governing Canada reminds me of four Dumbo elephants pulling our country’s economic load and strategy, continually trumpeting amongst themselves as to which elephant should be in charge.

The opposition parties have defeated the Conservative government primarily because the government is not doing things according to the various parties’ individual philosophies. Each dumbo elephant telling us that their philosophy is the only way things should be done and direction that the country’s strategy be directed.

The Conservative government has been defeated on a so-called confidence vote rather than the budget, so the focus will be that it was not the budget that had the opposition take down the government, it was how naughty the government was in not fully disclosing the projected costs for an airplane and the cost of rebuilding the penal system, as if full disclosure was unique to any past government.

Here in Williams Lake, the projected cost of the new fire hall substantially exceeded expectations. We have no such thing as a confidence vote until the next municipal election.

The question is, should we have an election every time a cog in a minority government’s gears skip a tooth, as an excuse to have an election?

In historic Russia, some conveyance vehicles were pulled by three horses called a troika; it is up to us to insure that all of our elephants are pulling in the same direction, instead of trumpeting that only they know the best way of getting to where the vehicle needs to be going.

I predict the result of this election will be another minority government, each Dumbo elephant continuing to pull in their own philosophical direction, almost like we, as little children, and they as our mommies and daddies, telling us that only they know what is good for us.

So following the expense of this $300-million election, we will still have a bunch of Dumbo elephants, trumpeting their individual party philosophies rather than working together developing common ground. Shame on us; I am embarrassed to label this as democracy.

Doug Wilson

Williams Lake