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Discussion a sign of things to come?

Ghosties and ghoulies and long-leggity beasties will be on the prowl Wednesday night. Hopefully it won’t rain or snow on them.

Ghosties and ghoulies and long-leggity beasties will be on the prowl Wednesday night. Hopefully it won’t rain or snow on them.

Speaking of spooks, GD#5 thought someone had invaded our living room last Saturday evening. She was home alone with her laptop when suddenly the hanging plants and lamps started swinging and the wind chimes began chiming.  She had a few bad moments until she checked the laptop and found that  people in different parts of  B.C. shared the same  experience. What is spooky is that the earthquake tremors were felt so far away from the scene.


At one time city council meetings were televised live. They used to be the local Tuesday night entertainment.  Councillors were pretty independent back then and often the discussions were lively. In recent years, there has been a block of councillors who pretty well agree with each other and meetings have tended to be, well, dullish. The discussion on fire protection at last week’s council meeting was reminiscent of older days. I wonder if it was a one-off or a sign of things to come.


I have an issue with the BC municipal councils, including ours, which are protesting the proposed cutbacks in Greyhound bus services.

Greyhound is a private company. It exists to make a profit, but it lost $14.1 million in B.C. this last fiscal year. The company provides a valuable service, no question, but what do the municipalities suggest as a solution, higher fares or subsidies? If subsidies, which level of government should pony up? Are cities prepared to contribute?


“Let China sleep, for when she awakes, she will shake the world.”  Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1821.

Since Roman times one country or another has been the Big Shot. Great Britain ruled the waves for years, then the USA took over as the World Power. Is it  China’s turn now?

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian, and book author.