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COLUMNS: Laughter keeps us balanced

Diana French’s weekly column for the Williams Lake Tribune

Laughter, in my opinion, keeps us balanced in an unsettled world, but sometimes there isn’t much to laugh about. I thought I’d lost my sense of humour but Wednesday night the Studio Theatre’s “Anything That Moves” restored my balance. It is a first-class show with many funny moments. I laughed so hard I cried at Sharon Hoffman’s rendition of Menopausal Mama.


Our buddy to the south, President Donald Trump, claims those who disagree with him, like the press, are “negative.” Negative is a bad label because negative people are against everything. By using the term to diss his detractors, Mr. T not only wants to make himself look good, he hopes to distract attention from his boo boos. This isn’t a new tactic. Forty years ago, U.S. Vice President Spiro Agnew called the press: “nattering nabobs of negativism.” A few mayors ago, our city council called everyone who disagreed with them Citizens Against Virtually Everything — CAVE.

Remember that?

We all know someone who confuses negativism, criticism and questioning. Critics aren’t negative. They think they can make things better.

Questioners just want information. If people really believe in what they are doing or in what they say, wouldn’t they welcome criticism and questions?


Health minister Adrian Dix says we need about 900 new care aides to meet the mandate of 3.36 care hours per day per patient for seniors in care homes. So what’s new? The BC Seniors’ Advocate keeps reporting many care homes can’t maintain that standard. Attrition, retirement and the number of part time aides in the current workforce take their toll and few new people are coming in. Why? Low wages? Unsatisfactory working conditions? Poor recruitment? Few training opportunities? Mr. Dix needs to find out what the problems are and fix it before any new facilities open.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.