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CHP stands up for families

Editor: Re: Dumbo elephants will continue to run the country, Tribune, March 29, 2011.


Re: Dumbo elephants will continue to run the country, Tribune, March 29, 2011.

Well look no more. After years and years of lies, cover ups, finger pointing, and deceit, I’m happy to say there is another federal registered party to vote for and we do have a candidate in this riding, and his name is Henry Thiessen.

The NDP, Liberals, Conservatives all tell what we want to hear and then forget us once they are in power.

They have all let us down.

Well, there is hope for our country and it comes in the form of the Christian Heritage  party.

It has a sound policy to strengthen Canada, it’s the only party standing up for family values, it has a family-tax credit, and it’s the only party that stands on the Biblical principles this nation was built on.

They are honest, have integrity, and have “better solutions for Canada.”

Check out their webpage at

Give them a chance to prove themselves.

The only thing you have to lose are Dumbo elephants.

Dina Kennedy

150 Mile House