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Canada should not promote fossil-fuel corporations

International propaganda tax-payer funded? Another subsidy for rich fossil-fuel corporations?


International propaganda tax-payer funded? Another subsidy for rich fossil-fuel corporations?

A Machiavellian miscalculation!

We fuel global GHG’s with Canadian bitumen, coal, and natural gas burned in Asia, Europe, and the U.S.

Canada has an unacknowledged global responsibility not to promote global fossil-fuel corporations or their agents in Canada.

While Harper/Redford/Clark engineer a new national GHG “high” energy policy summer 2014, NRCan (Nautrual resources Canada) starts a $24 million campaign January 2014 marketing Canadian GHG resources globally.

Current at 0.8C ... a partial related account.  Oct. 5, 400,000 Chinese evacuated for typhoon Fitow.

Oct. 10, super-cylone category 4-5 Phailin, larger than France with 13 meter storm surges, forces one million to evacuate in India.

Typhoon Nari, floods the rice belt in the Philippines.  An oil tanker explodes in China.

Oct. 13, Viet-Nam evacuates 180,00.

One hundred wildfires in Australia.  Twenty three typhoons hit China this year so far ... 27 in Japan.

Extreme weather related events scaled at 1.5C, 2C, 3C, 4C, guarantees ill-considered factored trillion-trillion global grief, sorrow, and horror.

On track for 4C?  BS?

More lives to be lost?

Human damages/grief exponentially worse?  Insurance giants can’t pay.

Fossil-fuel corporations won’t.  Tax the rich ... no!


Government’s must cut your “entitlements” and pay?  Now you pay while the rich get richer?  Socially just — stopping new GHG projects is the democratic way forward.

Chancellor Hitler promised “prosperity” for Germany (1933).  German’s were hopeful.

They got devastating criminal destruction.

Canada’s governors promise Canadian prosperity in summer 2014, where GHG economic power matters most for the rich and powerful.  Canadians are hopeful!

The world gets irreversible devastating inhumane global holocaust?  We are complicit. Fossil-fuel companies meet consumer market demand.

They do not generate or force any demand for profits at all?  XL Pipeline, Northern Gateway, Kinder-Morgan, not for fossil-fuel GHG profiteering?

Solely consumer US, European, Indian and Chinese GHG demand?  “Criminal” BS!

Herb Nakada

Williams Lake