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A perfect fit

Atlantic Power’s creosote railway tie burning plan is the perfect fit for the City of Williams Lake if you stop to think about it.


Atlantic Power’s creosote railway tie burning plan is the perfect fit for the City of Williams Lake if you stop to think about it.

Here you have Mayor Walt Cobb and two Liberal Party MLAs, all three with a proven track record of blindly supporting any form of “Job Creation” with absolutely no regard to environmental concerns, or long-term stewardship of our amazing gift of Supernatural B.C.

Remember your elected politicians’ past support of Taseko Mine’s idiotic plan to destroy Fish Lake, their current blind eye to Gibraltar Mine’s straight pipe of tailings effluent into the Fraser River, their denial that Mount Polley Mine tailings pond failure was a disaster, then their rush, rush, rush to get that mine up and running with no real consequences or responsible plans for their continuing buildup of excess effluent.

Yes, they will refute all this based on their in-house, self-regulating engineer’s sign-off.

Tough to argue against when our local polluting industries are “In Compliance” with the weakness of our province’s big industry driven regulations.

But seriously, when the citizens of Kamloops had zero tolerance for soiling their own yard, and sent the railroad tie burning plan down the track, what better name to pop up to the top of the list than the City of Williams Lake?

Just add one more polluter, they don’t care.

Is this the reputation you want?

Is this the legacy you wish to hand down to your children?

These polluters are gone in less than a generation, with a permanent scar in our backyard, and a tidy profit for the billionaire shareholders in Vancouver and Calgary. If you care, tell our politicians and speak with your vote. Kamloops did.

Robert Stokes

Williams Lake