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A nice lesson learned

Congratulations to the winners, and a big thank you to those who offered to serve. Please stay interested in city matters.

Civic elections are over for another three years.

Congratulations to the winners, and a big thank you to those who offered to serve. Please stay interested in city matters.

And life goes on.

GD#7 has spent some time with me lately. She is four and a half. She’s been through the baby sister and toddler stages, and now she says she’s a girl.

To make the point, she will wear only dresses and skirts. Her colours are pink and purple.

She is fiercely independent. The other day her car seat was in the house, and when we went to go out, she got huffy when I picked it up. I said it was too heavy for her to carry. She said she could drag it, and drag it she did. The car seat survived that time.

Some days later we had another round. Again, she was transporting the seat, but along the way the back detached itself from the seat. I tried every trick I knew to re-unite the two but couldn’t do it.

Fortunately her dad was there and figured it out. It was easy if you knew the trick. I am totally in favour of everything there is to keep little people safe, but I don’t do well with car seats.

Still on the granddaughter scene, the last time one of the Twilight movies came to town, GD#5 and  her friends lined up for hours to see it. This time happy-footed penguins had top priority.  The Twilight series concerns the love life of a vampire. The penguin cartoon is about climate change. I haven’t seen either film but I think I’d take the penguins.


The other day I was really feeling down when someone phoned me just to say something nice. It certainly made my day. Lesson learned — instead of just thinking good thoughts about someone, tell them.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian, and book author.