6 p.m. update: An evacuation alert for the north Green Lake area has been issued by the Cariboo Regional District (CRD).
The area on alert includes the area east of Highway 97 to Little Green Lake, approximately 3 km north following the shoreline of Green Lake and includes Watch Lake.
The alert is in response to recent evacuation alerts and orders put out by the Thompson-Nicola Regional District due to increased activity on the Elephant Hill Fire, says Emily Epp, EOC Communications for the CRD and was issued “because of the potential danger to life and health.”
Related: Evacuation order issued for village of Clinton
The original alert for the area was rescinded earlier today (July 29) alongside other alerts in the southern portion of the CRD.
“An evacuation alert has been issued to prepare you to evacuate your premises or property should it be required,” says the release.
It also states that residents will be given as much advance notice as possible prior to evacuation.
For information on what to do upon notification of a alert, see the original release at www.cariboord.ca.
Related: Elephant Hill fire causes evacuation of Clinton
Original story: 100 Mile House and the surrounding areas are no longer on evacuation alert.
“These South Cariboo communities are now open for regular business, vulnerable populations can return to the community and economic activity can fully resume now that the alerts have been lifted,” says a release put out by the Cariboo Regional District (CRD).
The alerts have been lifted for the following areas:
- Forest Grove and the 100 Mile Fringe North
- The Davis Road area to the southwest of 100 Mile House
- The southeast Canim Lake, south Mahood Lake, Electoral Area L and Electoral Area G
- Lac la Hache to 100 Mile House
- Northwest of 100 Mile House
- The District of 100 Mile House
A map of the rescinded alerts can be found at the bottom of the story.
“An evacuation alert or order may need to be re-issued as wildfire activity continues in the area, air quality remains poor and additional areas within the CRD remain on evacuation alert or order,” says the release.
Other areas in the Cariboo Regional District, including the City of Williams Lake and parts of the Chilcotin remain on evacuation alerts and order. Parts of the Thompson Nicola Regional District south of Green Lake also remain on alert.
The release says that residents “must be prepared” in case of future evacuation alerts or orders on short notice.
“Local governments may not have time to go door to door should a new evacuation order be issued.”
The release also asks that the public stay out of fire-affected areas and obey all warning and hazard signs.