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MEET THE CANDIDATE: City council candidate Michael Moses

Michael Moses answers questions posed by the Williams Lake Tribune
Michael Moses is running for city council. (Ruth Lloyd photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

2. What is the part of the Williams Lake’s Official Community Plan that you care about most, and want to see action on?

3. What solutions or ways forward do you see to address concerns around crime and homelessness in our community?

4 What do you think needs to be done to attract and retain professionals such as health care providers in our community?

5. Can you name a few fun facts people might not know about you?

1. I am Secwepemc and Nlaka’pamux, and have lived in Williams Lake for 32 years.

I’ve been preparing for this election for eleven months: attending every city council meeting, having meetings with dozens of community leaders to get their input, reading and learning the city’s Official Community Plan, and receiving mentorship from prior city councillors, mayors, and MLAs.

I have also joined the board of directors of several organizations, both to contribute to and learn from, including the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society, Canadian Mental Health Association, and most recently the Cariboo Friendship Society. I am ready to contribute as an effective member of the mayor and city council team.

2. Chapter 5: Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHG) Targets, Policies and Action. We have been lacking a GHG reduction plan and haven’t actually been tracking GHG reduction targets for several years now. It’s time to get back on course.

3. Crime and homelessness are two different issues. I think with either issue, though, a solid approach is to work closely with the organizations that actually work directly with these issues, to get their input and support them as much as possible. Having strong relationships with housing and mental health organizations is very important.

4. Every city has the same problem of attracting and retaining professionals, every city has recruiters trying to achieve the same solutions. If every city has the same problem and the same solutions, we need to focus on what is unique and great in our city. When our community makes national news, we need it to be because of positive things.

5. I am competent at computer science, day trading, and game theory. When I’m not busy campaigning, I enjoy reading a book per week. My digital marketing firm for Indigenous businesses is scheduled to be open for business by February!

READ MORE: Entrepreneur Michael Moses announced he will be running for councillor in the October 2022 local government election.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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