A work crew digging at a construction site outside Kitimat dug up something they weren’t expecting to find - a box of old dynamite.
Kitimat RCMP spokesperson Cst. Kurtis Fink said police were informed about the explosives through a 911 call made by a construction company just before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12.
“They said they had discovered a box of what appeared to be old dynamite under a large boulder. The crew shut down work, left the scene secure and contacted police,” said Fink.
READ MORE: RCMP dispose of explosives on Fraser Lake property
Kitimat RCMP along with BC RCMP Explosives Unit cordoned off the site, stabilized the explosives and disposed of them without incident.
“The explosives were possibly from the 1960s, left under a boulder and forgotten about. The crew did the right thing by not handling the material,” said Fink.
READ MORE: Explosives found near the site of a Haisa Gwaii house fire
“Old explosives that have been subject to moisture are extremely unstable and unpredictable. Anyone who comes across something that appears to be explosives must never handle it.
“The best thing to do is to leave it where it is and contact the police immediately,” added Fink.