6:55 p.m.: An evacuation alert has been issued by the district of 100 Mile House for the 100 Mile House area.
100 Mile House residents are not asked to evacuated at this time, however the district is encourageing residents to be prepared in case they need to evacuate. See below for evacuation tips.
The alert applies to all properties and businesses within the District of 100 Mile House municipal boundaries.
5:18 p.m: An evacuation order has just been issued for the 103 Mile Area by the Cariboo Regional District (CRD).
The area evacuated includes the 103 Mile area surrounding the 103 Mile Lake to the east of Highway 97, opposite Watson Lake.
RELATED: Wildfire grows to 1,500 hectares
4:24 p.m.: The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is asking anyone told to evacuate from their property, throughout the Cariboo, to leave immediately.
“The entire Cariboo Regional District has been hit by lightning in a multitude of places. Fires are being reported faster than they can be written down - all over the Cariboo,” the Emergency Operations Centre’s Facebook page says.
“These fires are extremely volatile. Response resources are stretched to the limit. All residents north of 105 Mile that are evacuated from their homes should report to the reception centre at the Ramada Inn in Williams Lake. Evacuees in and south of 105 Mile report to the reception centre in 100 Mile House at the Curling Club.”
The Facebook page also says that they are not issuing re-entry permits for the areas under evacuation order.
If there are animals left behind on your property, people are bing asked to contact the EOC public information line at 250-398-5117.
“We will do what we can to assist with evacuation.”
3:32 p.m.: The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has expanded the Evacuation area for the Gustafson North FSR fire. The total evacuation area includes approximately 2050 properties on the west side of Highway 97 between the northern boundary of 100 Mile House and the northern tip of Lac La Hache.
The CRD has also issued an Evacuation Alert for approximately 220 properties on the east side of Highway 97 in the Lac La Hache area.
Emergency Social Services Reception Centres have been established at the Curling Rink on Airport Road in 100 Mile House and the Ramada Inn Convention Centre in Williams Lake. The CRD’s EOC Public Information line is 250-398-5117. Evacuees are urged to register at one of the Emergency Social Services Reception Centres, even if they don’t require services, so that they can be contacted for public meetings or updates.
Residents are reminded to register for the Cariboo Chilcotin Emergency Notification System by visiting the Cariboo Regional District at cariboord.ca. For up to date fire information, please follow the Cariboo Fire Centre on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BCForestFireInfo or call 1-888-336-7378. For up to date information on Highway closures, please visit www.drivebc.ca. For more information regarding evacuations, please visit the CRD’s website at cariboord.ca, or follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CRDEmergencyOperations or on Twitter @CaribooRD.
3:25 p.m.: Another evacuation order has been ordered for West of Hwy 97 from the northern portion of the 108 Mile Ranch north along the highway to the southern tip of Lac La Hache, then north along the western shore of
Lac La Hache to the northern tip of Lac La Hache, and follows the eastern side of Wright Station Road south to boundary of the 105 Mile geographic area.
3:05 p.m. update: The BC Wildfire service now has the fire listed at 1,500 hectares but notes that estimating the exact size is difficult due to the smoke.
This fire is expected to grow substantially in the next hours and the amount of growth is dependent on weather and wind conditions.
1 p.m. update: The Cariboo Regional District is in the process of extending the Evacuation Order to include the west side of Lac la Hache. More information to come.
Original story: An evacuation order has been issued for 108 Mile west of Hwy 97, 105 Mile West of Hwy 97 and all properties west of the 108 Mile Ranch Community and north of the previous evacuation order to the west boundary of geographic area 105 Mile.
Due to immediate danger to life safety due to fire, Members of the RCMP or other group will be expediting this action.
What you should do:
- You must leave the area immediately
- Follow the travel route provided and register at ESS Reception Centres as follows:
- 105 Mile residents and those south of 105 Mile should drive south on Hwy 97 and report to the reception area in the Curling Club on Airport Rd in 100 Mile House
- 108 Mile residents and residents north of the current evacuated area should drive north and report to the reception area at the Ramada Inn located at 1118 Lakeview Crescent in Williams Lake.
- If you need transportation assistance from the area please advise the individual providing this notice or call 250-398-5117.
- Close all windows and doors
- Shut off all gas and electrical appliances, other than refrigerators and freezers
- Close gates (latch) but do not lock
- Gather your family: take a neighbour or someone who needs help
- Take critical items (medicine, purse, wallet, and Keys) only if they are immediately available. Take pets in pet kennels or on leash.
- Do not use more vehicles then you have to.
- Do not use the telephone unless you need emergency service.
You must leave the area immediately
For more information contact: CRD call centre/info line 250-398-5117.