Hundreds of Cariboo-Chilcotin viewers will be tuning into the History Channel Monday, Jan. 20, for The Wild Ones, a new docu-series filmed in Xeni Gwet’in First Nation territory, Williams Lake and points in between.
“Tsilhqot’in people were known as horse people before contact,” Xeni Gwet’in Chief Jimmy Lulua says in a video teaser for the series which focuses on efforts to save the area’s wild horses.
When asked Monday if there’s going to be a group viewing of the first episode, Lulua told the Tribune probably multiple groups will be watching in all the Tsilhqot’in communities.
Are people pumped to see it?
“Yes of course,” he replied.
“We are excited about the launch of the show and the warm response from those who have seen the ads and marketing for the show.”
Lulua is sure people will enjoy the series.
“From the reviews Corus Entertainment will weigh if they come back our not,” he said. “I think we will be getting a second and third round which will be huge for our community and the surrounding area.”
Show time is 9 p.m.
Read more: Xeni Gwet’in wild horses and riders featured in History channel documentary series
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