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CRD's Rick Hodgson wins tech award

The Cariboo Regional District’s deputy chief administrative officer Rick Hodgson has been awarded with the Applied Science Techologists and Technicians of British Columbia Association’s top in technology award.
Janis Bell (left)

The Cariboo Regional District’s deputy chief administrative officer Rick Hodgson has been awarded with the Applied Science Techologists and Technicians of British Columbia Association’s top in technology award.

The purpose of the award is to recognize an ASTTBC member who represents a model technology professional.

 “We are pleased to learn that Mr. Hodgson earned the Top Technology Award,” said Janis Bell, CRD’s chief administrative officer.

“We are very proud of our staff and the accomplishments and acknowledgments we receive about them.

It is nice to see Mr. Hodgson recognized by his peers for his years of dedicated service to the public sector.”

The award is presented annually to an ASTTBC member who has demonstrated qualifications consistent with the high expectations of a B.C. professional committed to serving the public and acting as a role model to other British Columbians.

In 2007 Hodgson was named to the position of deputy chief administrative officer. Previously he was the CRD’s chief building inspector.

He earned the ASTTBC’s certified technician’s designation in 2004 and 2007 and was the first building official in B.C. to achieve national level certification through the Alliance of Building Officials Assocations.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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