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CRD told no gas tax funds for Mountview water and sewer

CRD told no gas tax funds available for Mountview water and sewer system construction.

The Cariboo Regional District recently learned its second application to the Gas Tax Program submitted in 2011 for the $15 million required to construct the Mountview Water and Sewer System, was not approved.

More than 200 applications were submitted during the last intake for a total request of $440 million, however; only $53 million was available for distribution.

The Cariboo Regional District, on behalf of the residents of the Dog Creek/Mountview area, has made grant applications to senior levels of government during the last few years for the construction of a community water and sewer system.

The first application submitted in 2010 for $15 million was also not approved for funding.

“Unfortunately at this time, no major grant programs are available to receive applications, but we will continue to look for alternative funding opportunities,” stated Electoral Area E Director, Byron Kemp. "That project is well overdue."

As new grant programs become available, the Cariboo Regional District will continue to submit applications to seek funding for the Mountview Water and Sewer System.



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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