Under sunny skies with parents and peers cheering on the sidelines, students competed in two days of the School District 27 track meet in Williams Lake.
Kelvin Parent said early Friday afternoon the meet, which started on Thursday, had been going really well.
On the Thursday, Grades 4 and 5 had competed in the track and field events.
Student athletes were testing their mettle in 100 m and 400 m track events, shot put, triple jump and long jump field events.
"We have 30 students from the Columneetza track team here - mostly Grade 9s and some Grade 10s from Williams Lake Secondary - helping out," Parent said on day two. "The Grade 8s are here today so they will learn for next year."
The student helpers did timing, measuring, helped set up the field in advance, with adults overseeing all the events, Parent explained.
"It's great for them to see what it's like to be in the background to do those jobs because they all competed themselves when they were in elementary school."
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