Williams Lake city council have asked staff to set up a meeting with local provincial forestry representatives.
At the regular meeting on Jan. 14, 2025 in council chambers, council voted to direct staff to request a meeting with local forestry officials "to discuss the annual allowable cut (AAC) permitting process regarding the permitting process, how long it takes to get a cutting/removal permit, how many permits are currently in process, 2025 projections, etc."
From the discussion at the council table, it appeared even though the mayor was at a Natural Resources Forum with provincial ministers, Premier David Eby and other officials at the time, staff were to make time to find out some forestry-related information after the suggestion was brought forward by Coun. Scott Nelson.
"I'm just looking to get more information and to find out how backlogged they are," said Nelson.
A friendly amendment by Coun. Angie Delainey added an invitation to Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN) to participate in the meeting with forestry officials to inquire regarding the community forest the city and WLFN partner on.
Council passed the motion for staff to work on setting up the meeting.