A prescribed burn is planned for the Williams Lake Community Forest beginning as early as Saturday, March 30.
Smoke will be visible from Williams Lake and surrounding areas and to motorists travelling on Highway 20, noted the Cariboo Fire Centre in a news release issued March 27.
“Ignition will only proceed if conditions are suitable and allow for quick smoke dissipation.”
The BC Wildfire Service will be working with Williams Lake Community Forest and Williams Lake First Nation on a 40-hectare area, located approximately 10 kilometres west of Williams Lake.
Burning may continued periodically until Thursday, April 4, 2024.
“This burn is the continuation of a spacing treatment that was previously completed to reduce stand density and create a more open and fire-resilient forest,” noted the Cariboo Fire Centre. “A low- to moderate-intensity surface fire will be lit within pre-established boundaries to remove combustible materials and mimic a naturally occurring ground fire. “
BC Wildfire Service crews will be working on-site to prepare, control and monitor the fire.
The project is a continuation of a relationship with Williams Lake First Nation to increase capacity and knowledge in cultural and prescribed burning, stated the news release.
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