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City of Williams Lake attempts to entice developers with land

A plot of land returned to the city has been put up for proposals
A map showing a piece of land the city of Williams Lake is putting out for requests for offers at McKinnon Street and Ninth Avenue North. (city of Williams Lake map image)

The city of Williams Lake voted to put a piece of land they call the McKinnon Road lot up for request for offers.

The property is a section of land at McKinnon Street and Ninth Avenue North which was returned to the city from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure after the completion of the Toop Road Interchange Expansion project.

Staff proposed the idea in 2022 to change the land from a designated roadway to a usable parcel of land which might then be made available for development.

Council expressed a desire to see housing constructed on the site and even suggested with the large projects going on in the community, and projects proposed like the new water treatment plant and expansion of Jubilee Place proposed by BC Housing, perhaps it could be used as a camp to house workers while these projects get underway.

The community charter requires the public be notified of the disposition of public property, which would take place after a an offer request was accepted by council.

Council does not have to accept any bids if they do not like them and staff recommended a minimum bid price of $50,000.

The vote to go ahead with the request for proposal passed unanimously.

READ MORE: Williams Lake developer gets green light for 9 proposed new homes

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Ruth Lloyd

About the Author: Ruth Lloyd

I moved back to my hometown of Williams Lake after living away and joined the amazing team at the Williams Lake Tribune in 2021.
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