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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Care at Cariboo Memorial Hospital

John Moon applauds the hospital staff
Letters to the editor, up to 300 words, can be submitted by emailing or by mail to 188 North First Ave., Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 1Y8.


I attended at the local hospital at 6:45 a.m. Sunday morning, March 24, for a medical assessment. During my time there; approximately two hours, I received what I view as immediate, timely, professional care.

As well, I observed the same level/standard of care being received by an ethnically diverse, multicultural mix of emergency patients.

I write to contribute a few words of support and acknowledgement for the care delivered to all by the staff, nurses and doctors at the emergency department of Cariboo Memorial Hospital.

Postive words of support can contribute to great meaningful problem solving.

Just as the doctors and nurses at Cariboo Memorial are problem solvers, we as community members bear a responsibility of problem solving ourselves. Solutions rather than opportunism.


John W. Moon

Williams Lake

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