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LETTER: Asking Williams Lake council to help in fighting poverty

A Williams Lake resident asks city council to consider their budget priorities
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As budget discussions are taking place at city hall I ask this council where they can highlight their spending to support community and social development?

Perhaps instead of doubling the budget for fireworks as was done last year – an event that brings joy to people for 15 minutes, social development investments be considered. I implore you to consider the commitment many of you made to be champions as was demonstrated in the Social Planning Council poverty reduction video. Investments like this will help bring joy to families, seniors, youth and all those less fortunate to fight the fight of poverty reduction in Williams Lake and area. We need you now more than ever!  

Those working on the front lines and organizations like the Social Planning Council cannot continue to substantially reduce poverty on a poverty budget. The funds spent on fireworks and decorations could be the difference in non-profit organizations keeping their doors open. 

I ask readers to please go to the Williams Lake and Area Social Planning website and watch the poverty video to learn more about being a champion of poverty reduction  

Laurie Walters

Williams Lake, B.C.