Henry Thiessen is the Christian Heritage Party candidate running in the Cariboo-Prince George riding. We asked each candidate four questions, here are his answers.
What is your vision for a pandemic recovery?
Let me begin by letting you know that the theme the CHP is using in this election is; “Life, Family, Freedom.” In addition to that my personal motto is; “We must be lovers of truth, grounded in reality.” With that pre-amble let me answer your questions.
The best thing that we could do to recover from this so-called pandemic is to cancel all the mandates, lockdowns etc. that have been put in place under the auspices of COVID-19.
It is well documented that these mandates have caused more harm than this virus. We are not being told the truth. For starters, the PCR test was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool for viruses, cases do not translate into infections, and there is a big difference between dying with COVID or dying of COVID. Above all we must not let the government force what I believe is an untested medical procedure on us, one that one organization, the Front-Line Doctors of America, have dubbed; a “Biological Experimental Agent.” Why do we need a “vaccine” when the recovery rate from the virus is over 99 per cent?
Let people go back to work, open our schools, colleges, and universities. And stop paying people to stay home.
What will you do as a federal government to increase housing affordability for everyone?
One of the things that is driving prices to dizzying heights is foreign ownership.
We would work to reduce the foreign ownership of homes, businesses and farmland.
As prices of homes and property increase, the amount of tax and commissions also increase.
There should be some mechanism to account for that. Another thing that would help relieve the shortage of housing and likely bring prices to a more affordable level, is to strengthen the family, reduce the divorce rate and the necessity of one couple maintaining two homes.
At the same time, we would make stay-at-home parenting more affordable.
Closer to home, we have a shortage of available housing in our community, and one of the reasons for that is that there is so much red tape involved for anyone who wants to build. We have to reduce the amount of red tape that hampers new construction.
What impact will climate change have on the Cariboo-Prince George riding, and what will your party do to combat those effects?
The CHP recognizes our responsibility to be good stewards of the natural environment, but we also need to be concerned about the moral climate.
What do we mean by that? One could argue that every problem on the face of the Earth has a moral issue at the core. Climate change is no exception.
Therefore, many of the issues that will come up are a symptom of a more fundamental problem.
If we were to return to our Judea Christian principles of Life, Family and Freedom, many of these issues would improve.
Carbon taxes certainly won’t work, that is simply a tax grab by a desperate government.
Furthermore, when it comes to greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide is often referred to as a pollutant, when in fact it is a vital part of the cycle of life, plants rely on CO2, which in turn produce the oxygen that we need to live.
Even if we label CO2 as a greenhouse gas, Canada produces less than two per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emission, with China topping the list at almost 30 per cent, where they have poor environmental standards.
One of the things we could do is to make our transportation systems more efficient.
What concrete efforts should Canada be making toward reconciliation with Indigenous people?
First of all, the Indian Act is outdated and must be replaced with legislation that would include reconciliation leading to full participation in Canadian society.
Besides that, the Department of Indian and Norther Affairs is a huge bureaucratic elephant that is chewing up piles of money that does not benefit the Indigenous people that it is supposed to help.
There must also be accountability on the part of the recipients of tax dollars, so that the money will go to those who need it. Having said that I have spoken to Indigenous people in leadership who have told me that money alone will not solve the challenges that they face.
If it did then the $2 billion-compensation package that was given to the survivors of residential schools would have helped. Further to that, then Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered a historic apology to the same group seeking their forgiveness. Somehow this needs to be dealt with, so we can all move on. We cannot to be expected to continue to pay for the injustices of a previous generation.
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