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Women working for peace

The Women’s Spirituality Workshop over the weekend offered numerous ways that women can achieve peace within themselves.
Tricia Ramier demonstrates a Yoga meditation during a break in the workshops.

The Women’s Spirituality Workshop over the weekend offered numerous ways that women can achieve peace within themselves so they can share that peace with their families, communities and the world.

Music, song, dance, art of mandala making, meditation, prayer, physically calming exercises such as tai chi and yoga, visualization techniques, meditative journaling, creating a haiku poem, and folding peace crane were only some of the many workshop opportunities to learn and grow. And throughout the weekend there presentations of song, dance, music, and poetry.

It all started Friday evening with a panel of women from various faiths and beliefs talking about their practices and continued Saturday with many workshops and opportunities to enjoy camaraderie with other women.

One of the workshops also explained and offered women the opportunity to sign on to the Charter for Compassion which recognizes the common thread among the world’s major faiths and belief paths.

In short this “principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling on individuals always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves … in both public and private life to refrain consistently and emphatically from inflicting pain.”