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Women and Wellness evening supports Cariboo Chilcotin CMHA

The first Women and Wellness event will take place in the lakecity on March 30.

The first Women and Wellness event will take place in the lakecity on March 30.

The event promises an uplifting evening of warmth and sharing in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Cariboo Chilcotin Branch.

“Please join us to laugh, to cry, share stories and enjoy an evening of wine, treats and entertainment,” says Eva Navrot the CMHA multicultural co-ordinator in her invitation. 

The unique fundraiser seeks to dispel myths and create hope for the one in five Canadians who suffer from depression or other brain-based illnesses, Navrot says.

The money raised helps develop and deliver education and support services for people with lived experience, their loved ones and the public, ranging from a course to help teenagers cope with depression to a program to help people with bipolar disease manage their illness.

She says details on the venue and event will be given with the registration. People are urged to register as soon as possible in order to plan for the food, by calling Navrot at 250-302-9119 or e-mailing

The Women and Wellness is a fundraiser founded on the belief that more must be done to support those with mental illness, their families and friends, and building on the energy only a group of women can create.

Mental disorders, unlike other illnesses, carry a double burden — disabling symptoms plus shame brought on by stigma.

Women and Wellness, also known as Wine, Women and Wellness, was started in New Brunswick by Helen MacDonald in 2004. The event has grown from 54 women in MacDonald’s kitchen to more than 1,000 women in three cities coming together to learn about mental health.


To date, the events have helped raise more than $400,000 with help from volunteers and corporate sponsors, including its new national sponsor Shopper’s Drug Mart.



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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