Momentum is building for the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life, as teams get on board for this signature event.
The first team information meeting will be held in Williams Lake on Thursday, April 7, at 7 p.m. at the Overlander Hotel in either room 109 or 209.
All new and returning team captains are invited to attend the meeting.
For those interested in forming a team, registration packages will be available. “The focus of the meeting will be on team recruitment, development and fundraising,” says Wenona Gordon, team development co-ordinator.
“Team captains will receive information about their roles, gain fundraising ideas and learn tips on building their teams.”
If you would like to get involved with this year’s relay, the team information meeting is the perfect opportunity to learn more about Relay For Life.
After the April 7 meeting, a second meeting will be held in May.
“As of mid-March, six teams of family members, friends and co-workers have banded together and registered as official relay teams,” says Leeyann Allan, leadership chair.
Last year, 19 teams consisting of 183 participants came together during the 12-hour celebration and raised over $47,200 for the Cancer Society.
Relay For Life is a team approach to raising funds, while celebrating the strength of cancer survivors and remembering loved ones lost to the disease.
Funds support the Canadian Cancer Society’s mission of education, advocacy, research and support services to cancer patients and their families.
This year, there will be some exciting new changes taking place, including extended daylight hours.
The Relay is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 28 and will continue until 7 a.m., Sunday May 29 at the Williams Lake Secondary School track.
Most of the ceremonies and live entertainment will take place during daylight and early evening hours with a silent overnight tribute.
Relay organizers would like to encourage teams to get a head-start and register early.
“There is still plenty of time to gather a team before the early registration deadline of May 6. Those individuals registered by May 6 will be entered into a draw for a return trip for two by VIA Rail from Kamloops to Edmonton.”
Interested participants can register online at or visit the CCS office at 176 N Fourth Avenue to pick up team registration packages.
For more information call Wenona at 250-305-7415 or Leeyann at 250-392-6824.
The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is to eradicate cancer and to enhance the quality of life of people living with cancer.