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Lake City Secondary School -Williams Lake Campus students deliver donations for Salvation Army

Grade 12 students from the Lake City Secondary School - WL campus, grad council organized a food and money drive for the Salvation Army in December.
Lake City Secondary Students - WL Campus students with a carload of food on its way to the Salvation Army are grads Maya Nowotny, from left, Morgan Langford, Claire Munroe, Reagan West, and Joe Henley. (Kim Nowotny photo)

Grade 12 students from the Lake City Secondary School - WL campus, grad council organized a food and money drive for the Salvation Army in December.

They then created a friendly competition between the grads and the rest of the school, with the grads coming out on top.

But the real winner was the Salvation Army, receiving a donation of 444 food items and $297.50 in cash for their food bank.

While cold weather and low attendance at school slowed the drive down during the last week of classes, the group still was in high spirits as they finalized the drive and delivered the donations.

The LCSS students wish everyone a safe and warm holiday season.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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