Approximately 70 hardy souls gathered under sunny skies in –12 Celsius temperatures for a fun-filled, highly entertaining first annual winter carnival in Horsefly, Sunday, Jan. 30.
The highlight of the event was the ski challenge.
Our ski trail along the salmon spawning channel drew rave reviews, and I have been instructed to inform folk from the surrounding areas that one and all are most welcome to come and use our ski trail.
We thank the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for allowing us the use of the trail.
The sand bag relay, log tossing, pot boiling, winter soccer, puck shooting, Schmoo racing, ice sculpture display, bench building, board sawing, and nail pounding events all went very well.
The one drawback was the polar bear run, which turned into a bit of a blood sport and endurance test because of recent warm weather and heavy crust on the snow surface.
Unless we can guarantee soft snow, this sport will not be revisited.
The bon fire kept us warm, and the new benches provided seating for weary competitors.
At a debriefing meeting it was decided to have next year’s carnival on a Saturday in the first week of February, so as to allow church attendees the opportunity to participate, and not to conflict with other events occurring the last weekend in January, and because there were many spectators, next year we will have bleachers to view the events.
So mark your calendars for 2012, and we’ll see you next year.
Adult high aggregate was won by the team of Jack and Lou Biggs, with the winner of the ski run being Nicola (last name not marked down).
High aggregate boy was Kennedy Mack with the high aggregate girls’ prize being won by Bethany Hassink.
Because of the temperature, the musicians entertained at the Cornerhouse Café, which had standing room only, and with good food, provided great entertainment and fare for all who attended.
The organizing committee would like to thank all sponsors, volunteers, and participants for coming out, and alleviating some winter doldrums.
Special thanks to the Tribune for running our news releases.