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French Immersion program seeks students

Why should I choose French Immersion for my child?
Each summer Canadian Parents for French arrange for the School District 27 French Immersion students to have a camp out at Gavin Lake Forest Education Centre. This group attended last summer. Another trip is happening this month.

Why should I choose French Immersion for my child?

In answer to this -- why not.

Our son asked to go learn French for kindergarten because he had cousins in the program and we honestly could not come up with a good reason to not put him in it.

It is a system designed for English-speaking families and is possible with parents who have no French background.

We have had our children in French Immersion for the past five years and have been heavily involved in a variety of aspects.

I can honestly say that we have never once regretted our decision to give our children the gift of a second language.

We have been to Vancouver and other places where our oldest son has been able to show his ability and make us very proud.

We have had moments all the time where we appreciate the world of possibilities that a second language provides, and opportunities for their future that we did not have.

I encourage anyone interested to research online and look into the benefits of French Immersion schooling for their child.

They continue to take enrolment at Glendale Elementary School for kindergarten and Grade 1 classes for September as a school of choice.

The French Immersion classes continue to be on a regular school calendar from September until June.

The French Immersion classes will not be a part of the year-round program of classes.If at all interested in French Immersion please contact Glendale School, School District 27 or myself Sheila Boehm as president of Canadian Parents for French at 250-398-7589.

Also look on the website for more information at

CPF Williams Lake Chapter wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Education, the Government of Canada, and Canadian Heritage/Patrimoine Canadien.

We also wish to thank Canadian Parents for French B.C. and Yukon Branch for its support. We are also proudly supported by bingo affiliation dollars.