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Dance supports band program

The WLSS/CSS Band, Tour Band, and Jazz Band students are teaming up with the Cariboo Gold Dance Band to present an evening of Big Band Dance on Friday, April 8 at the Elks Hall.

The WLSS/CSS Band, Tour Band, and Jazz Band students are teaming up with the Cariboo Gold Dance Band to present an evening of Big Band Dance on Friday, April 8 at the Elks Hall.

The event is a fundraiser for the Williams Lake and Columneetza secondary band students to purchase new band equipment or provide travel opportunities for the bands, says high school band teacher Dena Baumann.

“This is the second of what we hope to be an annual event for us,” Baumann says. 

“We’re teaming up with the Cariboo Gold Dance Band once again for a night of great live music for dancing.  We’re hoping to attract more families, so we’ve got face painting, and we’ve left out the dinner portion of the night so tickets are more affordable for families.”

A silent auction will be happening throughout the night and decadent desserts will be served, she says.

Baumann says children under age five get in free, students ages six to 18 get in for half price. Regular tickets are $12 at the door or $10 in advance. The event is licensed with an open cash bar, Baumann says.

Tickets available at the WLSS office, About Face Photography or through WLSS/CSS band students.

Doors open at the Elks Hall at 6:30, Friday, April 8 and the dance starts at 7 p.m. 


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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