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Chimney Valley 4-H starts new season

Hi. My name is Ben Stafford.

Hi.  My name is Ben Stafford. 

This year the first meeting of the Chimney Valley 4-H club was held Jan. 17 at Mountview Elementary School. 

There are about 20 members and we’re still growing. 

This is my second year as the reporter and my fourth year in 4-H. 

The club has been running for four years.

Our projects are beef, swine, goat, gardening and photography. 

Our executives are Amy Stafford as the president, Donny Shaw as the vice-president, Seth Mullet as the secretary, Kevin Sokolan as the treasurer.

Adriane Kennedy, Karena Sokolan and Ayme Desmond are on the refreshment committee and Allan Stafford, Autumn Fernandez and Nikoleta Konstantaki are the phone committee. 

And yours truly is the reporter.

Our leaders are Fred and Elaine Stafford as the club leaders, Eric Stafford as the beef leader, Reg Desmond and Bonnie Filgate assistant beef leaders. 

Fred Stafford is the swine leader. 

The assistant swine leaders are Janet Stafford and Rennie Mullet. 

Ruth Shaw is the goat leader.  Elaine Stafford is the gardening leader.  And finally, Orlena McColl is the photography leader. 

And these are some of our upcoming events. 

Club speeches are Feb. 19 at Mountview.  We are hosting district speeches March 6 at Mountview.  We are putting on a petting zoo on the Stampede weekend. 

Club Achievement Day is July 23 at the stockyards and the show and sale will be on Aug. 19-24. I and the rest of the club hope you enjoy the new year. I for one know I will.