The BC Cowboy Hall of Fame committee, through the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin, is pleased to introduce the 2024 BC Cowboy Hall of Fame inductees. The committee, composed of members from all parts of the province, was honoured to review the nominations across all categories.
The inductees will join together, in an invitation only tea, along with their families on Sunday morning for camaraderie, tea and an opportunity for photos.
They will then make their way to the indoor rodeo area to the championship final day of the Indoor Spring Classic Rodeo. The tea is being catered through the Miocene Hall Ladies and Friends. The Interior Rodeo Events Association (IREA) has honoured each of the inductees with tickets to this Sunday’s performance, where they will be seated together and presented to on the arena floor at the beginning of the half-time show.
Each inductee or their family member will be introduced by our MLA Lorne Doerksen and will receive a certificate of merit from the Province of B.C. and a plaque recognizing them individually and the category that they have achieved from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin.
The Inductees and their Categories are:
Bill Sure ~ Builder of Western Culture
Earl Buck ~ Pioneer
Wanda Dorsey ~ Pioneer
Ken “Stoney” Waterston ~ Competitor
Ollie Curtis ~ Competitor
Wilfred Anderson ~ Working Cowboy
Isidore Kalelest ~ Family
Historic Rose Ranch - Rose Family ~ Century Ranch
This year in the categories of pioneer and in competitor — two awards were given to signify the different generations.
BC Cowoboy Hall of fame events of 2024 are graciously sponsored by Westwick Ranching Inc.