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Art Walk a big summer community booster

Art Walk 2012 has passed its mid-way point and by all accounts merchants and artists alike are extremely happy with the results.
Videographer John Dell and Willie Dye a.ka. Arty the Artwalker

Art Walk 2012 has passed its mid-way point and by all accounts merchants and artists alike are extremely happy with the results.

There have been many walkers and your Art Walk Committee hopes that the final two weeks will also finish strong.

The new program of silent auctions is working very well.

Over half of the artists have items up for bid and close to 90 per cent of these have received a bid that exceeds their minimum.

Quite a number of other pieces of art work have also been sold. Long-term health of the Art Walk depends on both the artists and merchants doing well.

The next special event is Dress Up Day on Thursday, Sept. 6.

Merchants, artists and the walkers are encouraged to dress up as clowns, bike riders, motor cyclists, police, doctors, nurses, artists, cowboys, loggers, nuns, butcher, baker, candlestick maker, book worm, plumber, miner, monk, knights, priests or anything else that catches their fancy.

This is your art walk and your involvement in this event will only make it better.

The art walk officially ends at 3 p.m. on Sat. Sept. 8.

Ballots will be collected and the winners of the most popular merchant and artists awards will be tabulated.


Because it is an Olympic year gold, silver and bronze medals will be given out in each category.