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Achieving the perfect bite

The perfect bite of food. When everything comes together in a perfect way.

The perfect bite of food.

When everything comes together in a perfect way.

The best bite for last ... it sustains in a way that just eating to just get full does not. The perfect bite of food is really only possible when dining with other ... food eaten alone is not always an elevated experience.

These words from Jenny Carter.

Jenny Carter, Minister at the United Church in Williams Lake was talking about food in one of her sermons ... and, of course, that got my attention right away, because I am of the firm belief that to enjoy the food, eaten slowly, and with company, is the best way to enjoy a meal.

When you eat slowly there is the opportunity to savour the food so you give those taste buds a real work over.

Today we don’t seem to sit down as families to enjoy meals and have nice conversations.

I should say we don’t do that as much as in the past, when both mom and dad were not both working to keep a house overhead and food in the fridge.

When I cook the Chamber of Commerce dinners, it is always such a happy affair.

Six friends sitting down to eat a tasty meal that takes at least two hours or more, to eat.

The conversation, the laughter and friendship make these dinners such a neat occasion.

Why don’t we take the time anymore to enjoy our food with family and friends?

A new scientific study shows that eating more slowly can decrease your food consumption and prevent overeating.

When you eat quickly, your body does not have time to go through its natural appetite signalling process or proper digestion.

Most people who chew their food sufficiently do not seem to eat as much and there is a better absorption of nutrients.

Here’s a very simple easy recipe for pork spareribs that when eaten slowly and with family or friends will be an elevated experience.

Pineapple Pork Spareribs

• one-half cup of pineapple juice

• one-half cup of corn syrup

• 3 tbsp soy sauce

• ½ tsp of ground sea salt

• 3 pounds small pork spareribs

You could cook this in an oven or on a barbecue at about 350-400 degrees.

Combine first four ingredients, add spareribs and marinade for an hour ... turning once.

Cook on barbecue or oven for about an hour, basting during the cooking process.

Enjoy food eaten slowly with company.

Bye for now and Goood Cooking!

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Advisor.